Take imperfect Action

Take imperfect action, but take it now.

It's time to stop making excuses. As they always say, you don't need to be perfect to start, but you need to start to be perfect!

Achieving your goals is never going to happen if you keep on waiting for the perfect moment or the right plan.

The best action is action.

In this short 50 second video, email marketing expert Dan Nikas shows you what taking imperfect action looks like. Plus you get to meet The Wizard :)

Taking imperfect action gets you started.

It's not about being 100% ready before starting, it's about just getting started. Once you have taken action and done something- anything- then it becomes easier.

Nothing boosts your self-esteem better than action. Keep working hard and taking imperfect action!

Start now by watching the 50 second video.

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This video is part of the Profitable Email series from my Youtube channel - Email Marketing with Dan Nikas.

The channel is a behind-the-scenes look at the methods and tools I use to build and grow Elite Brands, as well as driving millions in email revenue for our clients & my own eCommerce brand Gearbunch.

Grow your email marketing skillset by following the How-tos, watching the episodes and joining in the Q&A's.